Thursday, December 23, 2010

Polar Express!

 All Aboard, The Polar Express! We started our unit with a Shared Writing activity. We read the story, then wrote "I Believe, Merry Christmas!" on our Polar Express pictures.

One of their Polar Express pictures.

As we read the story again, I had the students sitting in our classroom Polar Express engine. After the story, they found Silver Bells and their Golden tickets underneath their chairs. How happy they were to find them.

We had our Polar treat of Donuts and Hot Chocolate! 

 After our Polar treats, we had our gift exchange. We prayed and thanked God for the gifts. We talked about how there are some children who will not be able to have gifts and that we should be grateful for all the things that we have, no matter what it may be.

Our Reading Winter Wonderland in my Reading Center.


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