Sunday, November 28, 2010

Our Trip to Hunsader Farm!

We started our visit with a hayride around the farm. We learned how they plant tomato plants, green beans, black-eyed peas and pumpkins. The ride was really COOL!

We fed the goats! The goats loved those corn nuggets!

The donkey was soooo hairy! He ate the corn nuggets too, but his favorite thing was eating the paper bags......"Hey, you ate my bag!"
At the end of our visit, we picked our own pumpkins and got to take them home!

"Spelling Football"

We laid out the "Field" to prepare for "Spelling Football!" We had two teams, blue and red. They had to spell a word that was given to them. If they spelled the word correctly, their team moved 10 yards towards the field goal. Each student wore their favorite Team Jersey.
The first team to make a "Touchdown" gets to kick a field goal for two extra points. 
They loved this game! I added it to my Writing Center for free play.