Sunday, October 31, 2010

ReD RiBbOn WeEk!

For Red Ribbon Week, We talked about how drugs are bad for our bodies. We discussed that if we were superheros, we would not be able to use all our super powers if we used drugs. My students came up with the slogan, "I'm a Superhero, not a ZERO!" We had a coloring contest, made a poster, and ended with  our Red Ribbon Walk. The entire Preschool came out to walk with us as we celebrated our school be ing DRUG FREE!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Treasure Box!

Every Friday, my students visit our "Treasure Box!" 
Each student has earned "money" for their good behavior and staying on "GREEN" for the week. 
They take their money, they count it out and decide if they want to spend it or save it. 
There are "prices" for each pocket. $1.00 to $5.00. They are allowed to pick on their own what they want. They had me the money and take their prize back to their seats.
Treasure Box rewards, "Thank you Ms. Coles!" That is what they are saying in this picture!
I get the majority of my prizes from Party City and Target. If you would like to donate any prizes to add to our Treasure Box, please feel free to do so. Thank you in advance!

Fire Safety Week!

Our Fire Saftey Week started off with our friends from Tampa Fire Department.  
Sgt. Lopez showed us how firefighters get prepared for a fire. 
They have to wear a lot of gerar to pretect them from the fire!
Sir Alexavier showed us how we "STOP, DROP, and ROLL" if our clothes ever caught on fire!
Then came the fun part! We got to see a real fire truck! The Firefighters showed us the equipment on the fire truck.
We got to see inside the Fire Truck......How cool is that!
We said thank you to the nice firefighters for taking time out and sharing with us about Fire Safety!
AND, they left us these really cool Junior Fire Fighters Hats!
Learning about Fire Safety is helpful and fun!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Flat Stanley's Visit"

We were so excited when Flat Stanley came to visit our class! We had some fun things planned for him.

We taught Flat Stanley the proper way to play in the Sand table. And he learned how to care for our class pets the Hermit Crabs.

Flat Stanley helped build buildings and race car tracks in our Blocks Center.
Flat Stanley read a story with his new friend, Sir Alexavier in our Reading Center.

Ms. Coles planned a trip to Busch Gardens for Flat Stanley, but didn't want him to get lost. So, she brought him back a brochure to take back to Morrison, Illinois with him.
It was an adventurous trip for Flat Stanley! We loved spending time with him, decorating his t-shirt and sending some post cards with him back to his class. We Love You, Flat Stanley!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Brain Breaks!

Brain Breaks are designed to help simulate our minds to prepare us for learning. In between our lessons, we take Brain Breaks! Here we are playing "Keep it Up!" We have to try to keep the beach ball in the air for 2 to 3 minutes. Then we return back to our seatwork, refreshed and energized! We do Brain Breaks 3 times a day !
Dancing is another "Brain Break" that we take. We love to Dance!