Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Our Morning Meeting!

In the mornings, we start our day with our "Morning Meeting!" First, we do the calendar. I have the student sing the days of the week and months of the year. Here is one of my students counting the days in the month.

The students then record the day in their calendar binders.

Next, our Weather Watcher tells us what the weather is like outside. They get to dress "Phineas the Frog" for the weather of the day.

We graph the weather in our calendar binders with our favorite color.

Lastly, we record the days we have been in school and tally the days in each month.

We finish off our calendar binders with tally marks and tracing the number of days in school!


Kindergarten "VIP of the Week!"

Please join us as we celebrate, our VIP of the Week!....Mya, you are AWESOME!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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